Saturday, May 29, 2010
Spencer 30 -on- 30th
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Spring Days
Monday, May 24, 2010
Addysen's 2nd Birthday
You might be two but people ask me all the time if you are 3...nope you are just this way all grown up! You get your own shoes on, your coat, you try to get dressed but sometimes get your pants on backwards.
You talk to me about everything. You are talking in full sentences. I wish I could list all the words and sentences you say but have so many! You really blow me away everyday with what you do and say. Some of the latest words you are using that make me laugh are "crazy, dude, my favorite, and awesome."
You tell me how you feel, what you need and how fast I need to do it! :-) You love to wrestle and run around crazy with Logan. You tell him "get me Logan get me"! You ask him where is his "tickle spot" and you lift your shirt up and show him your tickle spot. Addysen you bring so much joy and laughter into our home.
You and Logan are great friends, just the other day you were using blocks and both of you were laughing, talking and building huge towers. Once in a while you have a temper and stand your ground with Logan. It's sure hard not to laugh.
You love beating Logan to push the buttons in the elevator. You say "Amber" but it is always in an angry voice. It is so funny...I don't know why but we all crack up whenever you say it. You are this power house in a little itty body.
Addy you love to dance and sing. You are incredible you know every word to every song you hear in the car. You and Logan rock out and you even start requesting or better yet demanding the certain song you want.
You know a lot of your colors: red, blue, pink, purple, orange, black
You would drink chocolate milk all day long but I only let you have a little bit once a day. You enjoy going to play at the park, whenever we pull up to the park you start kicking and getting excited and saying "play at park yea, play at park!"
Every morning you ask me "where Daddy is?" then you answer your own question "at work"...I tell you yes and you say "Oh man or come home now!"
You went to nursery last Sunday and had fun for the first time. You told me Sunday morning "Addy go to her class, Logan class, Mommy & Daddy class, Addy class" So Spencer took you and sure enough you were ready to stay. You had fun playing with toys and coloring. The teacher said after wards and said "Addy sure talks good she came up to me and said "he pushed me here (pointing to your chest) ouch, hurt me". He wasn't getting away with bulling you around. :-)
I love how every time I do your hair or we put on an outfit you run over to Logan and Daddy and wait for your compliment. They are great about knowing your cues. It is hilarious, you are something else! I look forward to going home in October so all the family can see this fun, crazy, happy, girl we live with.
I thank my Heavenly Father for my little princess! Addy I love you and am so happy to be your Mommy. Logan & Daddy love you so much too. Thanks for being so great and changing our lives forever.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Happy 8 Years SPENCE!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Princess Nuts

Happy Birthday baby girl, we love you so much and enjoy every second we are with you. Thank you for the happiness you bring us.
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