Logan was so excited to have his birthday party at Burger King. I am not much for kid parties but he really wanted one. (He loves going to parties and he wanted to celebrate with his friends.) It ended up being just what I could handle for this year. He loved it so that is what counts.
He gave everyone hugs for his presents.
I think in this picture he is finding Lauren he loves the remote control car she gave him.
Una is one of Spencer's co-workers and our family friend. Logan loves her and she was sweet enough to come even without having children of her own. She of course spoils him and he sure appreciates it.
This was Logan's jeep cake...it was cute he said "like Grandpa's old Jeep mom not his new one!"
They were all really calm and enjoyed coloring together.
Logan I still am in shock that you are 5~ I am so proud of you. He was so cute with all his little friends. Addy was right in there with the big kids. She is sure going to miss him next week!
I forgot to mention - I realize that the pictionary man we gave Logan says for ages 14 and up, but Madelyn saw it, and we thought it looked so fun. I was thinking it shouldn't be too hard to adjust the game to young kids - I hope I wasn't wrong!:)
What a fun Birthday party looks like he had a great day!
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