Friday, June 24, 2011

The Best Dad Worker Award

I am so proud of my man!! Spencer got an award yesterday for what exactly....(I don't know :-) ??) But what I do know is that he sure deserves it! It was a pretty big deal for one because he isn't at the end of our tour and also because he is a civilian. The General presented the award it was super cool.
He looked so handsome in his suit.
Logan showing off the medal.

I really loved being able to see Spencer recognized for his hard work. He does whatever it takes to get the job done no matter what the circumstance. He doesn't toot his own horn and isn't a big talker so it's great to me when others see his worth. I appreciate all you do Spence. Thanks for supporting our family so that I can be at home with the crazies!
Logan & Addy were excited all morning to go see Daddy at "work". When he was called up a co-worker behind us was cheering for Spencer so that gave them the go ahead and they started cheering too. It was super cute to see them so happy for him.
We were all so glad to see Mr. Wally at the award ceremony. From the time we stepped off the plane in Korea till now he has been a huge support. I feel like he really gave us the jump start for a great tour. He was able to meet Sadie for the first time.
We finally got our friend Ben to come to church with us! :-) The kids were excited to see Ben and sit next to him. They kept busy before the award ceremony looking thru the English and Korean Bible. Thanks Ben for your help.

Spencer, I'm so happy we were able to be a part of your special day. Thanks for being so awesome. I love you so much. You make my life so great! Keep up all your hard work.


Vyanca said...

Awesome, Go Spencer!!!

Liz said...

Congrats to Spencer! That's awesome. :)

Kim said...

Congrats, Spence! That's really great!

Anonymous said...

Spencer you are amazing, no surprise there, but WOW!!!!
I am so happy and proud of you! I love how proud of you Logan is. You are so lucky to have a bond like that with each other. I hope that it just continues to grow!!!! I only wish I could have been there so see this success, but pictures are the next best thing. Thanks for sharing! Love you all Jocelyn