Logan looked mighty handsome for his first day of school! He was really excited to go especially sporting the fohawk!

Ms. Yoshida is super organized, clean, and experienced.

He has been anxious to use his new camo backpack and shoes so we had to show them off.

We have had a fun summer and I'm sad to see him off again but I know it is best and time.

I sure love these kiddos! Logan we will miss you.

We drove Logan to school this morning and had fun seeing all his new classmates. On the drive over we sang Dads song he taught us..."Today is a wonderful day for we are going away, not to the circus not to the zoo, don't you know we're going to SCHOOL!" Logan seemed pretty relaxed. But then while we were standing and waiting for Ms. Yoshida to pick up the class we saw girls crying and then I noticed he started to pick his fingernails. (I think this is a nervous thing he does.)

Hugs and kisses and he was off and I was praying for a good day and YEAR!

While our men were off to work and school the girls had fun! We went out to breakfast and Addysen was so happy to have most of my attention. I got her green and purple grapes from the buffet and she was hilarious she said "Mom these green grapes are BAD where are all the purple grapes?" I guess I always buy purple so she didn't even know green grapes existed and they must have been bad. (I think she might be a bit biased toward the color!)

Then we were off for hair cuts.

Sadie always gets snatched up whether she likes it or not. She tolerates it for a little while but then if she sees me she starts to whimper and reach out for me.

Just so Daddy doesn't have a heart attack it was just a trim! :-)

While at the Dragon we of course rode the carousel and played at the playground.

One of her many faces.

She has grown up so much while living in Korea. I remember when we first moved here she was barely walking and now she is running and climbing with all the big kids.

It was a pleasant surprise to see a smiling face when he got off the bus. A huge difference from last year. He was full of good, positive comments. He told me his teacher was so nice and that he was excited to go to school tomorrow.

Our friends invited us for ice cream from the nearest 7-11. The kids love the Korean strawberry on the outside and apple flavor on the inside popsicles. It was a fun way to celebrate the first day of school. We sure live in a great place!

And of course we can't forget our sweet Sadie always along for any new adventure. This sweet baby gets dragged all over the place. Here she has found her thumb and she doesn't really suck but gnaws on it every now and again.
You're such a cute little mom, Amber. It looks like a really fun day. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to blogging again too. I'm sure the fam back home would appreciate it.
Cute pictures!
Logan you are such a big, handsome guy!!
Oh my word, Sadie looks like a little blonde Addy! So cute. I can't believe how big Logan has gotten. Wow! 1st grade! Nice going big guy!
What a great, full day! First grade seems pretty grown up, don't you think? So glad he likes his teacher!
Berke and I just finished looking through your pics. She makes me stop at every single picture, so she can identify everyone in them. It's really cute. She knows all of your faces, even Sadie's! :)
Congratulations on starting first grade, Logan! That's so awesome! And I can't believe how long Addy's hair is! Wow, you guys are all growing up so fast. And is it just me, or are little Sadie's eyes staying blue? She is adorable. Less than 2 weeks to go! We're super excited!!!
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