6 years ago today in Orem Utah, Logan joined our family and changed our lives forever. for some cut baby pics,
click here. Logan we love you so much. We love your silly personality, the way you talk and laugh. We are so proud of how smart you are and how hard you try in everything you try. We love how "new food is an adventure." and how you are a "fan" of somethings and "not a fan" of other things. This year you have started reading and doing addition. You are also an awesome swimmer, you touched the bottom of a 10.5 foot pool. You can jump off the diving board and swim to the side by yourself. You can hit a baseball and catch one too. And today you almost mastered tying your own shoes (goodbye Velcro). We love the way you try to speak Korean and the way you have such a great attitude about being far away from your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends in America. We love how you can recognize mustangs, volvos, GTOs, S2000s and Jeeps. We love it when you dance to good music. Most of all we love you as a pal and as a big brother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!!

Logan was so happy to have to use both hands to show us how old he was turning.

I love my cute kids.

Thanks to grandma, Logan gets to enjoy some classic toys. Ninja turtles circa early 1990s.

Matching shirts for best pals.

And a mom got a great deal on WOOT.com for a new big boy camera.

Daddy unfortunately got called in to work for a few hours, so Logan and Addy got to work on the new lego set. Logan is getting so good at following the instructions and paying attention to the details.

At night, we set up the kiddy tent and surprised Logan and Addy with headlamps. Just to make sure they worked, we did some late night froggin. The lamps worked great but the frogs were nowhere to be found.... too hot during August in Korea.

Logan got a new bird book.

These kids are champion campers... now someday we need to try camping outside.
Happy birthday Logan!
Yay Logan! Happy birthday! He's seriously so grown up :)
Happy Birthday Logan ♥ Way cool headlamps!
Happy Birthday Logan!!! We hope you had a great 6th! You sure had a cool cake! :)
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