Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Logan up to his tricks

So everyday we watch Logan systematically select and destroy various targets in our apartment. It is kind of funny actually. Logan has learned how to pull himself up onto chairs which has multiplied his potential targets. Whenever you cut him off he changes course and goes onto his next mess. It is kind of fun to see him work it out in his head. He is definately a climber. He loves to climb up on his rocking chair and stand on the seat while rocking like a surfer. Yesterday he scaled the outside of his crib which means it is only a matter of time before we will be putting him in a big kid bed. He has really been fun the past couple of weeks, he is really starting to interact alot with everyone. He mimics sounds and words and it is funny to see him pick up misc. objects, put them to his ear and say, "ahyo." He also loves to make car noises, he points at airplanes and loves elephants. He can make the sounds of dogs, cats, birds, owls, ducks and of course, elephants (which also includes an irresistable hand motion.) Amber has taught him a little sign language and now she wants me to teach him some korean words. (poor kid)
Here are a few of our latest pics.
Here he is pretending he is cliffhanger
Here he is in his huggiesmobile
Pajama time is fun with mom
My son busting out some weezer power chords

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that Logan looks so cut and I can't wait to come see him in the summer. I love all of the pictures that you are sending me so don't stop!