Happy 5th Birthday Logan! We can hardly believe that you have been with us for 5 years. I can still remember holding you while you slept. You were so quiet and calm.

When you were a baby, you loved to take naps in the warm sun. I think you still do:)

Ever since you were small you loved water and loved bubble baths. Now you are a little fish. I cannot believe how well you swim. This year you did so well in your swim class even though you were the youngest student.

Logan you have always loved going to baseball games, amusement parks and museums.

You have always been a master of displaying exactly how you felt with your face. We love it when you are happy, but we can't help laughing when you get upset:)

Logan you have spent over a year of your five years in Korea. I love to watch you play and enjoy your time here. You have always found a way to have fun no matter where you are.

Playing in the snow last winter was a blast, I hope that the snow keeps me home to play with you again this winter.

Logan you are one handsome kid!

I love how you dress up in funny clothes for pictures.

Only five years old and you have already defeated Darth Vader twice at Disneyland. Thanks for joining our family and making us so happy. We love you! And thanks for being my pal forever.
Logan Happy Birthday! I love you so much you are the best looking kid out there! I know that your mom and dad have made today special for you! Enjoy it and know that I am thinking about you and wish I could spend the day with you as well! Only a few more weeks togo and maybe you can't defeat Darth Vador again!
Happy Birthday Logan. I can not believe how big he is. They change too fast.
i can't believe he's five. my kids will never get that old, right? Happy Birthday Logan! That baby picture of you in the bath seems to be right about the age I met you! Crazy! xoxo!
Happy Birthday Logan! Hope you had a fun Birthday. Is Logan starting Kindergarten this year?
I love all the pictures! He is seriously such a handsome guy! You better watch out when he get's a little older:)
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