-Giving up the binki and that was AWESOME and pretty painless!
-Then sleeping in a big girl bed super easy. She still hasn't ever gotten out of her bed without permission. I don't know why, and how I got so blessed!
-The next major achievement at our house started the first Monday in January. She woke up and told me she wanted to wear panties. For the past year she has been going off and on in the toilet. At least for the past 6 months always going #2 on the potty. But I couldn't get her to tell me all the time or she couldn't hold it long enough so we would barley miss making it. Or she would be playing and not want to stop etc. She knew exactly what happens on the potty but this one is a bit stubborn. She likes everything to be on her own timetable. So when she told me about wanting to wear panties I was excited but didn't get my hopes up to high. This time she was serious. I can't tell you how great and easy this was. She just did it! I was still nervous for a couple weeks when we went out, nap, and bedtime she would wear a pull up. Finally after never having any accidents outside the home I had to be BRAVE. Not her it was me. I packed a sack full of extra clothes and we wore panties all the time out and about. Then after a week of no accidents at night I stopped the diaper then too. We are diaper free! About a month later at the store we passed the diapers and she said "Addy no need diapers only for babies". So we bought baby Sadie some diapers instead of her! SUCH a BIG GIRL!!
Addysen is so great! We sure enjoy her sweet personality. She is also talking up a storm. I can't think of a thing she doesn't say! This little one is our pretty princess and our spit fire all at the same time. She has her own ideas and likes to be heard. She loves playing with Spencer when he gets home from work. When he lays on the floor she begs him to do "up down touch the ground." He holds her an lifts her up and down while singing the Winnie the Pooh song. It is precious. I am grateful she has a Daddy and brother that love her so much. We are blessed to have her tender spirit in our home. If she gets her feelings hurt you will know about it and she will need a hug. :-) We love you Addy!
I can't believe how grown up she is! Time has just flown! Hope all is well
Wow! Addy you are growing up so fast! I think your hair is growing too! I am so glad that I get to hear about all of you. Thank you so much for sharing Amber. It is hard not seeing you, but this sure does help! I love you all.
Wow, amazing! Morgan is 3 and still wearing diapers at night! Way to go Addy!
She is getting so big and is as cute as ever! Her hair is so long-i love it! She makes me pray that I have a girl one day!!
Trying to not be jealous . . . .
Way to go Addy!! That's so great! One day that will happen for me. Luckily, Jane was awesome with the bed too. She is a doll. Good job.
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