Saturday, April 09, 2011

The kids

So here they are. Our 3 kids. It is a spooky feeling when you look in the back of your little Honda and see that there is no room for any more. Each has their own unique personality and each provides a glimpse into genes they came from.
Logan teaching Sadie how to say 'cheese' in Korean.
Logan is learning to read/(memorize and repeat) and loves to read to his sisters.
Our good friend Laura made these awesome sugar cookies for our big brother and big sister.
Here is Addy enjoying her presents from Grandma Pauleen Grandpa Court and Aunt Kr.
Logan loves Buzz Lightyear.
Addy loves to pose.
Logan loves to climb the tree in front of his school.
This is how you show off your fingernails and toenails at the same time.
Logan loves to eat lunch with the girl's soccer team.
Addy loves to chill with her bears.
Logan is one awesome kid.
Addy loves to wear dresses.
Don't break Logan's achy breaky heart.
See what I mean about unique personalities???

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