Sunday, February 18, 2007

New words

Logan has been soaking up everything we say around here and he is really starting to mimic very well. If you yawn, he yawns, if you cough, he coughs, if you laugh he laughs and so on. He has recently learned how to say, shoes, Bananna, Jesus, airplane, Amen, bees, baby, Happy, PaPa, Breezy, and Daddy. We think that Papa is for Grandpa. He also knows that a pirate says, "ARHHH" and that the crocodile hunter says, "Crikey". Whenever he sees a picture of himself he says "baby". He now knows all of the animal sounds and likes to walk around the house growling. He thinks he is pretty tough. Today, Daddy was trying to take a nap on the floor where logan was playing and he thought it would be cool to wake him up so he picked up one of his dye cast metal cars and chucked it at Daddy's head. Maybe he is a tough guy after all. When Logan does things we tell him not to, we make him sit on a chair for a minute and if he gets off the chair, he has to go to his bed for another minute. He has figured out how all of this works and has found a way to take the system to the edge of its boundries. When he is on his chair he will sit for most of the minute, then when there is about 20 seconds left, he starts to crawl off the chair and lets his feet dangle centimeters from the carpet, all the time waiting for the bell to ring the end of his minute. It is pretty cute, I will try to get a picture of it. Yesterday we were going to visit some friends and he went to the door with my shoe on. He is sure a cute kid.

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