Logan is loving Joy School and playing with his friends. He also loves his new Sunbeam class and his great teachers. He is learning his letters and the sounds that they make. It has been fun watching him learn and grow so fast. I am blown away how quick he can remember the things we teach him. He is getting really good at coloring in the lines and doing his "school work". We took him to the allergist and he weighs 38 lbs and 40 inches tall. THE BIG NEWS IS HE IS ALLERGIC TO CASHEWS!! The reason we took him to allergist was one day at Costco he had a sample of the mixed nuts cup and his lip swelled up huge. At first we thought he bit his lip but after a closer look man it was huge, I had a feeling it was more than that. We took him in and sure enough he is allergic to Cashews. He has had them before but the allergist said children can become allergic to different things and this was one for him. So no more cashews or pistachios for Logan. We now always carry an EpiPen and Benadryl for our little man. Logan is also getting so good at riding his bike. He goes really fast it is neat to see him get so excited about riding everyday.
Addysen turned 9 months old on Feb 18 it is crazy how fast time is going. Her stats for being 9 months old are 17.6 lbs (25%) & 27.5 inches (50%). We are loving every minute with our two kids. Addysen is so happy, fun, and beautiful we can't get enough of her. Addy is learning new things everyday.
Here are a couple of awesome new things she has been working on:
*Picking up cheerios and putting them in her mouth (and actually letting them go in her mouth) Feeding herself took a little practice but she figured it out.
*This past week she has been watching us eat and decided she no longer wants baby food. She wants what we are eating. It has been amazing to watch her reject foods she used to love. I think she is growing up faster than Logan did.
*She is doing patty cake and clapping her hands on cue. She is so proud of herself!
*She crawls once in a while but scoots all over the place.
*She is pulling yourself up and getting a couple seconds of balancing in before she falls over.
*Addysen is waving good bye and smiling at everyone that looks at her.
*She loves Logan and Daddy but really LOVES her mama!
*She is sleeping thru the night :-)
*Addy also scrunches up her nose cute but I haven't been able to get the greatest picture of her doing it yet.....For now here are a some pics of our pretty little girl.