Wednesday, July 25, 2007
La'ie Temple
Monday, July 23, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Diamond Head
We hiked Diamond Head and wow it is so pretty. You look over the whole city. You can see how beautiful the ocean is. I have also been enjoying during the day while Spencer is at work going to the beach here close to our hotel. It is so awesome to lay out on my towel and listen to the waves hit the rocks. I love that sound, it is so relaxing. I am also reading Harry Potter for the first time and enjoying that too. Now I am just like a little puppy excited for my owner to get home from work. It is fun to be here with Spencer. I love him so much.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Amber & Spencer in Hawaii
I am now here in Hawaii with Spencer and having a blast. It was sure hard to leave my little Logan. Yes I was crying I just love the kid. But......after a long, long, flight I am here and am enjoying every minute with my best friend. Spencer met me at the airport with a flower lay. SO cute I love the guy, I thought that was so sweet. It is so fun and nice to be able to give all my attention to Spencer. I guess I didn't realize how busy I am when we have Logan too. We miss Logan and talk to him everyday. In fact while I lay on the beach reading a book I feel guilty knowing my mom is running around crazy after Logan. He is a busy little boy. I sure do appreciate her letting me have this time in Hawaii what an experience. It is so beautiful and relaxing here.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
A quick drive around the Island
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Congrats to ELDER ASAY.
We have been waiting 5 weeks for Judd's mission call and it was worth the wait. Yesterday Friday the 13th mom went to the mail box at about 2:30 in the pouring rain and sure enough. A big white envelope and it was the only piece of mail. Elder Judd L. Asay what a cool thing to see. So we got so excited and planned a little get together to celebrate. We got on the phone and started calling all of our friends and family and told them the news and then asked for there guess of where Judd would go. We made a big poster for all the guesses. (the kids guesses were adorable Nathan --California Disneyland or Spain like his daddy, Ben said Finland like Grandma Larsonn, and Jade said Idaho) Just to give you a fun glimpse. Dad ran to the Dairy Queen to get an ice cream cake. Jason hurried home from work to be with Janet and the kids on the web cam. Spencer we didn't think was going to be home from work in time to hear but he got off an hour early and made it just in time to hear the big news. Chad and Emily and the kids all came over. And Cam, Tiff and Jade were here. Bri called about every 30 minutes her and Ryan were wishing they were here and she didn't want us to wait any longer she just said to open it now. But we waited for everyone and at about 6:45 after Judd's favorite pizza dinner, Judd opened his call. The spirit was really strong. It was so awesome. Judd was shaking and I think just a tad bit nervous. He read the call Elder Judd L. Asay will serve for 24 months to Busan, Korea. I couldn't believe it I thought he was joking I had to look at it myself. That is Spencers exact mission. Unbelievable we were so excited. The spirit was amazing and I felt so grateful for Judd leading such a great life and being so worthy to be an example to all of our kids. Nate and Ben will always remember this and Chad and Emily's kids too. It was awesome. I am so glad that he chose to serve a mission. He is going to do wonderful. I know he has lived a worthy life and is strong in the gospel. He will do a fantastic job. Judd is smart and will be able to learn the language. I am so proud of him. It is pretty awesome to have 3 brothers and all of them serve a mission. And then Briana and I both married wonderful guys that have too. Plus our dad. What a huge blessing it is to our family. Judd leaves soon August 29 and we will sure miss him but can't wait for the many experiences he will have. We had a fun night.
Fun, Fun, Fun.....
We are having a great time at my mom and dads. They have been so great to make it feel just like home for Logan. They found a crib, bought a mattress, bought Logan a bed set of cars. They had a humidifier going in his room. (Coming from Maryland it is pretty dry here for him.) They had balloons and swim toys, a swimming pool and big boy underwear waiting for him when we first got here. Plus Grandma and Grandpas house just has so many fun toys. He loves jumping on the trampoline and playing in the pretend kitchen.
He loves playing with his cousin Jade. Everyday they just play, play, play. The other day they were on my brother Judd's water bed and they were wrestling. Logan had Jade in between his legs and he wouldn't let her out. We were laughing so hard how did he learn that move. Then Jade would body slam him, they have a great time. Jade is so good to Logan she will be a great big sister someday. Logan has been playing really well by himself too. He loves the sand box and the slide it is such a fun Grandma house.
We sure do miss our daddy but he is having a blast. We have been talking to Spencer on the web cam but oh he sure wants his daddy when we do that. He was kissing the monitor one of the times.
Logan is so attached to Judd. He is Judd's little shadow the moment he walks in the door. He says "Juuudd". We were out on the front porch one day and Judd walked across the rocks and leaned against one of the pillars on the house and Logan stood up and walked across the rocks and mimic Judd pose exactly. We thought it was adorable. Every morning the first words out of Logan's mouth are papa and Juuddd.
He loves his Grandpa which he calls "pa pa". He always gets so excited for papa. His little voice goes higher the moment my dad walks in the room. Logan just lights up. He loves to wrestle with Grandpa on the floor. One night Logan was playing with his toys and Grandpa was lying on the floor and Grandma said Logan get Grandpa. He stopped and then ran over to papa and started getting him. We just laughed it was so cute. He even lets papa sing to him and put him to sleep.
Logan has just started saying Grandma and is getting pretty attached to her. He loves to read books with Grandma, play games, watch cars and cuddle. Last night he let my mom rock him and sing and then put him to sleep. We have been doing this so when I leave on Tuesday he won't be so lonesome for me. He plays with Grandma all day long. He had a water fight with her the other day and she came out soaking wet. He thought that was so fun. Logan also loves to help Grandma cook and clean. Today Grandma Dana was teaching him how to play bingo and then we listened to music and danced. They sure do love Logan so much. Thanks for all you do.
I feel so blessed to have such a great family. I appreciate them letting me come and stay and play while Spencer is away. It helps me not to be lonely. They are so great with Logan they love him tons. I also appreciate them letting me go to Hawaii for so long. I am going to miss my little man but we will have a great time. Lets hope Grandma and Grandpa survive.
He loves playing with his cousin Jade. Everyday they just play, play, play. The other day they were on my brother Judd's water bed and they were wrestling. Logan had Jade in between his legs and he wouldn't let her out. We were laughing so hard how did he learn that move. Then Jade would body slam him, they have a great time. Jade is so good to Logan she will be a great big sister someday. Logan has been playing really well by himself too. He loves the sand box and the slide it is such a fun Grandma house.
We sure do miss our daddy but he is having a blast. We have been talking to Spencer on the web cam but oh he sure wants his daddy when we do that. He was kissing the monitor one of the times.
Logan is so attached to Judd. He is Judd's little shadow the moment he walks in the door. He says "Juuudd". We were out on the front porch one day and Judd walked across the rocks and leaned against one of the pillars on the house and Logan stood up and walked across the rocks and mimic Judd pose exactly. We thought it was adorable. Every morning the first words out of Logan's mouth are papa and Juuddd.
He loves his Grandpa which he calls "pa pa". He always gets so excited for papa. His little voice goes higher the moment my dad walks in the room. Logan just lights up. He loves to wrestle with Grandpa on the floor. One night Logan was playing with his toys and Grandpa was lying on the floor and Grandma said Logan get Grandpa. He stopped and then ran over to papa and started getting him. We just laughed it was so cute. He even lets papa sing to him and put him to sleep.
Logan has just started saying Grandma and is getting pretty attached to her. He loves to read books with Grandma, play games, watch cars and cuddle. Last night he let my mom rock him and sing and then put him to sleep. We have been doing this so when I leave on Tuesday he won't be so lonesome for me. He plays with Grandma all day long. He had a water fight with her the other day and she came out soaking wet. He thought that was so fun. Logan also loves to help Grandma cook and clean. Today Grandma Dana was teaching him how to play bingo and then we listened to music and danced. They sure do love Logan so much. Thanks for all you do.
I feel so blessed to have such a great family. I appreciate them letting me come and stay and play while Spencer is away. It helps me not to be lonely. They are so great with Logan they love him tons. I also appreciate them letting me go to Hawaii for so long. I am going to miss my little man but we will have a great time. Lets hope Grandma and Grandpa survive.
Friday, July 13, 2007
한국 만세!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Pictures from Paradise
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
We made it!
Hey Spencer and friends,
After a long flight but very helpful, happy flight attendants we made it. Logan was awesome, he is one great flier. We made it to Albuquerque and are having a great time. Mom and Dad have painted the house and it looks fabulous. Logan has been having so much fun. He is running around playing with all of the fun toys at Grandma and Grandpas house. Logan and his cousin Jade are enjoying having each other to play with. They played inside chasing each other, outside on the tramp, swimming pool etc. We will post more pictures of all our fun adventures soon. I finally got him to go to sleep at 8:00 which is 10:00 Maryland time. Jade and Logan were having fun eating popcorn (a first) and watching a movie while holding there special monkeys and blankets. Too Cute. We miss you so much already though.
After a long flight but very helpful, happy flight attendants we made it. Logan was awesome, he is one great flier. We made it to Albuquerque and are having a great time. Mom and Dad have painted the house and it looks fabulous. Logan has been having so much fun. He is running around playing with all of the fun toys at Grandma and Grandpas house. Logan and his cousin Jade are enjoying having each other to play with. They played inside chasing each other, outside on the tramp, swimming pool etc. We will post more pictures of all our fun adventures soon. I finally got him to go to sleep at 8:00 which is 10:00 Maryland time. Jade and Logan were having fun eating popcorn (a first) and watching a movie while holding there special monkeys and blankets. Too Cute. We miss you so much already though.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Take me to Hawaii
Breakfast with the Ward
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