Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Surprise. Happy Birthday Spencer. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I am so happy that you were born. Another great year we have had together. Sorry I don't know how to do the cool stuff like you do. But lets face the facts I am not as cool as you. Spence, I am so grateful for you. Thanks for being my best friend. I am so happy to have you for eternity. I look forward to each new day we have. You are so great. I hope you have an amazing day. Come home fast we have a surprise waiting for you. We miss you, Logan keeps saying "daddy, daddy". Who needs work anyways especially on your birthday. I love you, Amber (AAL)


Jann said...

Happy Birthday Spencer. What a sweet post Amber. I hope you will share the surprise with us, of course after. I wouldn't want you to give it away.

Spilter said...

Thanks baby, you are the best!

Anonymous said...

Jann you are cute to want to know the surprise. I had a friend lined up to watch Logan and we went on a date to Outback. I also made his specail treat peanut butter buddies. We had a great time. Thanks for be interested. Amber

Cami said...

"They say it's your birthday . . . da da da da da da da . . . You're gonna have a good time . . ." etc. Happy Birthday Spencer! Next time you come over we'll make a cake.