Monday, June 11, 2007

Mommy and Baby

Logan has been such a good boy lately. He is growing up so fast and every day he amazes us. At the same time, he seems to be starting the "terrible two" phase a little early which can be crazy... The past couple of weeks, Amber has started to potty train Logan. We have a little system down that has shown a some success. Today he did really good.


Corinne said...

The thought of trying to potty train Preston makes me want to gag :)

Jann said...

Way to go Logan. I felt like throwing a block party when my last one potty trained. I was very happy to not have to ever do that again.

The Spiveys said...

that's such a cute picture of you two!

Cami said...

What the . . . potty training!!!! Sheesh, some people have all the luck. Anyway, good luck with that. I hope he does well! I'm about to start that journey (for the 5th time) again.