Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Yesterday morning I woke up to the sound of somebody scraping the ice off of their windshield. I looked through the blinds and saw mounds of white powdery goodness covering everything. I could tell by looking at the street lamps that it was still coming down so I called in to see what the work situation was and to my great joy, it was a snow day! I went back to sleep but hours later, Logan and I put on our gear and headed out into the cold. Logan found my trusty ski goggles and almost got them on right:)
This year has been pretty pathetic when it comes to snow. There has only been one other storm that yielded enough snow to play in and it was so late that we felt cheated when it was time to come in to go to bed... Yesterday however, we had all of the time in the world.
Logan is the short one on the right... the one that looks like a cross between superman and little Randy Parker from 'A Christmas Story'...
The snow wasn't the best for packing but it was fun to roll around in and wrestle in... After Logan was through playing we went inside and the first thing he said was... " how bout this mom... how about we turn off the lights and watch the grinch?" It did kind of feel like Christmas time, but I was not about to get out the movies... So instead we watched Monsters Inc. and drank hot chocolate. I can't wait till it snows again.


Danielle said...

You guys are such awesome parents! I'm hoping we WON'T have any more snow. I have major Spring fever.

Cami said...

Very fun. Love the goggles.

Jason & Claire said...

Fun! I can't believe you still have snow!