Sunday, September 02, 2007

Temple trip with the Garners

The Washington D.C. Temple is quite a sight. It is cleverly situated on a hill that overlooks the 495 beltway, so that when you are heading south it looks like you are going to drive right into it. We went to a ward primary activity a couple of weeks ago and then went with the Garners to the visitor center to watch the Joseph Smith movie. It was a very beautiful, but hot day and for me, it was nice to come in and sit in the waiting room and be surrounded by the beauty of the temple. It kind of felt like being home.
Just as we walked in, Logan started saying, "Jesus, Jesus!" and he and Matthew ran off to the Christ statue. I had to run to stop him from climbing up the pedistool to give the statue a hug... The Elders were happy to come along because the temple was technically out of their area and they got a chance to talk to some of the sisters that were serving there. We went into the movie and we were pretty much the only people in the huge theater. This was my second time seeing the movie, and I think I liked it better this time. I could definately feel the spirit and by the end of the movie, both Matthew and Logan were asleep. I was glad that we could go and see it with our friends.
The temple is such a special place. Whether we are in Hawaii, Utah or here in Maryland, it stands as a familiar beacon of light and a testimony of the restoration of truth. It is through the blessings of the temple that I get to be with my family forever, and some day, run with Logan up to Christ and we can give him a big hug together.


Tracy said...

What great pictures. That is so sweet how Logan recognizes Jesus. You must be teaching him right!

Corinne said...

What GREAT experience. I think Sheely might like the movie. I think parts would terrify Xavier. I love the visitor's center too - such a peaceful place to take my children.

Cami said...

Oh, that is very sweet. I'm glad you got to go with the Garners! It looks like a lovely trip.

Brenda said...

I love that movie! You are so awesome! So neat that you took friends there!

Anonymous said...

Those pic. were awesome. I am so glad to hear that Logan knows and love christ already. It is such a great feeling to have all of my family believe in the same thing.
You are all hot!!!