Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mommies Little Helper

Amber posted:
Logan wants to help me anytime I am in the kitchen. He is actually great at listening and helping out. Some of his favorite jobs are turning on the Bosch and dumping in the ingredients. It is an activity I have a great time doing with him. I have really fond memories with my mom in the kitchen and I hope Logan will too. He is my little but big helper and it is so fun! I hope he grows up to enjoy baking like I do. We made some yummy banana bread and he couldn't resist taking a bite out of each banana before we put them in. Oh how I love that kid!


Cami said...

Fun! I love baking with my kids too. (Sadly, not so much lately since baked goods are kind of a no no.)

One year, Jeffy's b-day was a "maker" b-day (that's what he called bakers). He had a apron and had and oven mitt, and the kids made cupcakes and had a great time. That was his halloween costume too. You can use those anytime you want for little Logan.

Alyson said...

I know, I know... I'm really really bad at putting comments on your blog. I'm sorry, but I just have to say that I keep myself updated on a regular basis. I love looking at all of your pictures!

I don't know why but it seems like Logan took this huge jump in the maturity of his looks. All the sudden he has long hair and his face is filling out... he is so dang cute I just wanna fly out there and sqeeze 'em! I love you all so much! Be safe in Korea Spence! We're so excited to see you all at Christmas! Love you all!