Sunday, December 06, 2009

Addysen going to Nursery 1st time

I can't believe my baby is 18 months old. She is getting so grown up, so fast. She was able to go to nursery last week for the first time. When I first took her she was so excited seeing all the toys and kids playing she didn't give it a second thought. (I didn't attach her binki because I am sort of a germ freak and didn't want it to be dragged around, other kids getting it etc. So I gave it to the nursery leader as a just in case. Plus she doesn't need it all the time.) Well I came to check on her again after teaching our Sunday school class and she was a screaming wreak and no binki in her mouth. My sweet little girl doesn't know how to calm herself down without the comfort of the binki. I tried to motion to them to get the binki but it wasn't really understood. So I just went in and got my little baby, gave her the bink and she settled down right away. I felt terrible, I should have just given it to her to begin with. They had another little boy that cried the whole time and they think that set her off after a while.
So this week when I tried to drop her off at her class......I opened up the door and she started to wine and clutch onto my shirt. I couldn't even do it. I don't want her to be sad. So we will just give her a little time and try again. What can I say "She loves her mama!":-)
These pictures I took after church her first day of nursery. She took out the binki in the first picture and can see the progression.
Well here it is her first experience of nursery.
Here you can see how much she loves those binkies!
I about died when Addysen sat down at the table and put two binkies in her mouth. It was adorable and she thought she was pretty funny.


Corinne said...

I can't believe she's old enough for nursery either! I love the double binki mouth :)

Christie said...

No way that tiny baby is in nursery! :-) She is pretty dang cute!

The Fam said...

Oh how fun. Ryder goes into the nursery in Feb. I wonder how he will do. He is also a binki kiddo- he has to sleep with 2 (one in his mouth and one in his hand). :) We also don't use it a lot but it definitely calms him down in half a second. When do you think you'll wean the binki? I would like to sometime soon but I am a pushover when he cries and give me the sad eyes.

Jann said...

YIPPEE! Enjoy.

Kim said...

First of all, I have to say how talented Addy is - fitting 2 binkis in her mouth at the same time - what a talented girl. Berkeley carries one, while sucking on the other, and then switches them out every couple of minutes; I think Addy's getting more use out of them! :) Second of all, I love her little heart dress and white stockings; she looks so cute!

We haven't had to deal with the whole "being left in the nursery" thing because we're the nursery leaders (this can be both a good and bad thing). I love that we get to spend all 3 hours of church with Berke, but I don't think we'll even consider having more children anytime soon (the nursery is great birth control! ;)

Cami said...

I can't say I'm not glad Janey never took a binky, but I may be sad later on when she won't give up the thumb. I leave Janey's blanket with her in church, but she never seems to have a problem. Hmph.