Monday, March 12, 2007

A boy and his car

Grandpa surprised Logan with his very own Lightning McQueen Car for Christmas last year and he has been enfactuated with it ever since. We put it on top of our shelves to keep it out of reach and he points at it and makes car noises almost every day.
The weather was good much into this winter so we took it out for a spin and Logan chased it around the parking lot.

Today, the weather was especially nice and so we decided to take it out for a joyride in the tennis courts. Logan had a blast. He still loves to chase it but his favorite thing to do is drive it by himself.

He has a little trouble steering it so he drives it straight until it is out of range then he puts the remote on the ground gets up and runs to the car, picks it up and moves it to where he wants to start it, sets it down, then goes and gets the control. He is so fun to watch!

This is a look of sheer determination.

Hopefully the weather will stay pleasant enough to go out again tomorrow!

1 comment:

Benjamin said...

Spencer and Amber! Logan has grown like a weed! What are you feeding this kid? You might as well call him the Jolley Green Giant! WOW! He sure is a happy boy!