Monday, March 05, 2007

First day at nursery

After getting ready for church, Logan came across his shadow, and fittingly gave it a kiss. This was the first time that I had seen him do this so I had to try and get a picture. He points at it and says, "baby" then he hugs the wall and gives it a kiss.
Here he is telling the shadow goodbye as we head out the door to go to church.

Sunday was such a big day for our little guy, he loves being around and playing with other little kids so we weren't too worried about him, but too us he seems so young still and it was kind of scary leaving him alone. I looked through the window a few times to check up on him and make sure that he wasn't a basketcase. The first time I looked in just as they were cleaning up the toys for snack time. He was the only kid helping pick up the toys and putting them into the bag. We practice cleaning up in the bath and in his room so it was cute seeing him use what we had taught him, on his own. I came back a few minutes later as the teacher was handing out animal crakers and fish crackers. Those are a few of his favorite things and wolfed them down like they were his last meal. Next time I checked on him the kids were playing ring around the rosies. He looked a little lost and made his way to the wall and climbed up on the chair and proceeded to make his way to the top of the table, I was about to go in and get him when one of the adults saw him and grabbed him. I guess this is our fault, he has become an expert at chair climbing, and we didn't catch him in time for him to know it was wrong. I showed up at the door right as church ended and he did not see me till I called out his name and he turned and saw me. He yelled, "Daddy!" and ran to me. I picked him up and he gave me some great hugs. All around this nursery deal was great, he liked it, we were finally able to attend our meetings, and we get rewarded with some great luvs.

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