We interrupt the Disney recap to bring you a few pics of our adventures in pumpkin carving. Earlier this week we went to Giant to pick up some "tumkins" to carve. Logan was so excited to help that he picked up the one he liked and put it in the cart all by himself. I was afraid he was going to drop it but he did fine. Addy was content to sit in the bumbo (courtesy of the William Hancock, thanks buddy, let us know when you want it back) and watch as Logan drew his idea of a proper "bad guy" face on his pumpkin as I de-seeded the others. Every year Amber bakes the seeds into a great fall snack, feel free to bug her for the recipe. Since Disneyland was still fresh on our minds, we decided to do a couple of disney style designs. for the tall slender one, we created the evil emperor ZERG!!! I think it turned out pretty good and when we put a candle in it, it really came to life. Amber did a Mickey face and Logan's ended up as the most traditional jack-o-lantern that I could think of. We put Logan to sleep after we carved Zerg, but he was so excited about the "tumkins" that he kept getting out of bed so we let him stay up till they were all done and took a couple of pics. Happy Halloween!!! Can't wait for the trunk or treat!
HOW FUN!!! They all look so good! I always have good intentions and then somehow end up completely destryoing whatever face I try to carve. Yet every year I continue to demolish another pumpkin. HA! Amber... I really would love that recipe! I have missed the yummy seeds. I remember Spencer used to bring a small bag to school... mmmm, they are so good! Thanks for sharing your fun evening with us!
Amber, so glad you found me. Great to find you. That is cool that you got to go to the balloon festival last year. I think everyone should have the opportunity to see that. I loved it! And fun that your parents are there. You have a beautiful family. It's so great that blogging keeps us in touch. How are you these days?
Your mormon ad reminded me of all the good times with the Divine Comedy shows at BYU. Here's one for you: http://divinecomedy.net/pages/mormonadz/dcversion/gossip.jpg
love the "tumpkins". What a fun activity, and they turned out great. I would love the pumpkin seed recipe!
HOW FUN!!! They all look so good! I always have good intentions and then somehow end up completely destryoing whatever face I try to carve. Yet every year I continue to demolish another pumpkin. HA!
Amber... I really would love that recipe! I have missed the yummy seeds. I remember Spencer used to bring a small bag to school... mmmm, they are so good! Thanks for sharing your fun evening with us!
Your pumpkins look awsome! We are excited to see what you are going to be for halloween Logan and Addy!
Your pumpkins look awsome! We are excited to see what you are going to be for halloween Logan and Addy!
Nice job!! Great tumpkins.
Sophia said those are "great" pumpkins-- and then reminded me that we haven't bought ours yet. I guess we'll have to do that. Yours are very cute!
Amber, so glad you found me. Great to find you. That is cool that you got to go to the balloon festival last year. I think everyone should have the opportunity to see that. I loved it! And fun that your parents are there.
You have a beautiful family. It's so great that blogging keeps us in touch.
How are you these days?
Amber, great job with the pumpkin carvings, you guys are all great artist!!
zerg looks great!
You have some major pumpkin carving talent in your family. They look great. I love Logan's face with the light of the pumpkins reflecting on him.
Your mormon ad reminded me of all the good times with the Divine Comedy shows at BYU. Here's one for you: http://divinecomedy.net/pages/mormonadz/dcversion/gossip.jpg
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