I took Addysen to the doctor today for her 6 month visit and she is doing great. She weighs 16 lbs. 7 oz and is in the 75% for weight. She is 26 3/4 inches long and is in the 90 % for height.
*Addy you make us smile everyday, you are an angel
*You are sitting up all by yourself...(it was amazing like overnight you figured it out.)
*You are eating and loving baby food--squash, rice cereal, peas, prunes, applesauce, carrots, anything I will let you get your hands on
*You like to hold onto a sippie cup and gets some sips out of it w/mom's help
*You don't sleep thru the night yet so soon we will be working on this
*You love to play with Logan, he makes you laugh the best and he doesn't even have to work hard to get it.
*You get excited to see Daddy when he gets home from work your legs start kicking
*You love your mama and smile at me a lot, you giggle when we play patty cake and when I eat your neck and smell your feet!
*It is fun to hear you jabber and giggle in your low voice
*You love you jumpster and your excersaucer, it is fun to watch you, you are so active, you love to be busy.
*Addy you hardly ever cry (knock on wood) no really you are a happy great baby
*Your body doesn't do very good when you get shots (it takes 3-4 days). I think you are very sensitive, you still have a hard time with me eating milk or chocolate.
*You are growing up way to fast, I remember before we had you, I wondered what life would be like with another baby and now I can't even imagine our family without you in it. You are such a blessing to all of us. Thanks for making our home a better place. You are the best, my pretty little girl. We all adore you! Everyday we just can't get enough of you.......sister we love you.
Sitting up?? Nice job Addy!! Janey is pretty much crawling these days. She is SO FAST! But no sitting. She still topples. Or maybe she has no interest in sitting still. :) I love Addys little low voice. She is so cute.
What a sweet post. She is getting so big. They grow up so fast.
She's already 6 months...WOW time flys. We are expecting a little gilr in april. I went private with my blog so email me at aryannie8@hotmail.com and I will send you an invite so we can keep in touch:).
She's getting so big! I actually got a Sunday nap and had a dream I was babysitting her while you were at a concert. She was a very good baby for me :)
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