Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Biking Around Lake Elkhorn

Here is the only map I could find of the lake, It is a pretty small lake but very scenic with thousands of trees and a path that makes you feel like you are in a forest. There are ducks, swans, and turtles enjoying the lake. Many people fish there, but I haven't seen anyone catch anything. Their are over 10 miles of trails that weave around the lake and surrounding area. The main trail that circles the lake is 1.8 miles and has several inclines and declines. Today we circled it 3 times on our bikes at a pretty good pace.
Here is a pic we took last fall of the lake, the leaves are all gone now, and with the warm weather continuing, the trees will soon be green again.
Logan was a little upset that he had to wear a helmet, but he forgot about it after Amber started down the trail. He loved having the wind in his face. Our legs and butts are sore but we will all sleep well tonight. Hopefully we will be able to go again soon.


Cami said...

Cool! We usually just walk around it with strollers. We should totally try it on our bikes.

Anonymous said...

I am wearing that shirt that amber is wearing today. Yay for Disneyland! boomboia! JOcey

Anonymous said...

Sorry I got a little carried away about my shirt so I did not even say that I am glad that you 3 are our riding bikes again. I am glad you found a way that Logan can join in on the fun. I wish I was there doing it too. Jocelyn

Jenni said...

Hi Amber!! I found you on Cami's blog roll - how fun that you are blogging too!! I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog roll!! (you can find me on Cami's roll as "Jenni")

Anyways I just had to say that we could have run into you yesterday at the Lake, but we didn't even make it all the way around! :) Wasn't it a beautiful day?!!