Tuesday, April 17, 2007

End of the Ring Pop

A couple of days ago, Logan wanted to play with the ring from the ring pop that Dana sent for Valentine's day. It is really cool, there is a red blinking light that flashes, in fact, before we figured out how to turn it off, it really freaked me out one night when I got up to get a drink. I was half asleep and when I got into the kitchen and the whole room was flashing red, I thought there was a bomb or something... I was so out of it that it made sense... Anyways, back to the real story. Logan was playing with this in the bathroom. From the other room I heard the toilet flush ( Amber lets Logan flush the toilet as part of his pre-potty training) We usually keep the door shut so when I heard the toilet flush I ran in to find that he had thrown his ring in and flushed it. Well, It was fun while it lasted. Maybe some poor sap at a sewage treatment plant somewhere will get freaked out when he is confronted with the flashing red light...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute Logan. I am so glad to hear that he is only throwing ring pop rings down the toliet. I had a dream the other night that he climed into the oven and burned to death. I watched it happen but I could not get him out no matter how hard I tried. It was the worst dream in my history of dreams. Needless to say I freaked out when I woke up the next morning and quickly called Amber. Unfortunatly I got her machine, but she called me back and said nothing about Logan so I just assumed he still lives on today.