Friday, April 06, 2007


Last night before bed, we decided it was time for Logan and me to get a trim. The best way for this to happen is for me to get in the tub and cut my hair while he watches, so he knows it doesn't hurt, then sit him on my lap and cut his. Just like last time, Logan freaked out a bit and lengthened the process by jerking his head around. Logan's hair is really fine and it is hard for me to get it all into the jaws of the clippers, so it is no easy task to accomplish. Poor Logan was crying throughout the entire ordeal, the hair stuck to his face where his tears had rolled down. After cutting his hair, I gave him a shower. When he was a baby, he used to love it when I gave him showers, he did not mind getting his head wet and sometimes he would just fall asleep. After he turned 1, he stopped liking the showers and has since become more partial to baths so he can play with all of his toys. So between getting his hair cut and taking a shower, the poor kid was a wreck. He had one of those cries that just breaks your heart, where he has uncontrollable gasps for air every few seconds. Amber was able to pull some magic mommy power and get him to settle down and go to sleep. This morning Amber called and said that the first thing that Logan did this morning was run into the bathroom where I had cut his hair the night before, opened up the shower curtain and said, "Daddy?" Amber told him that I was at work and he said, "oh." What a cute kid. I hope he didn't have nightmares about getting his hair cut. I remember being afraid to get my hair cut when I was young. I thought that it would hurt, and I believed it so strongly that I would terrify myself into hysteria before the cutting would even start.


Cami said...

I hear ya. I have those hair cutting moments with each of my children. They don't let me use the clippers anymore, even if they watch me clip Daddy's first. AND mine don't tolerate showers. Kids definitely have minds of their own!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that Logan grew out of the daddy/son shower. I am, however, happy to hear that he loves spending time with both mommy and daddy.
Love Jocey